Hospice works closely together with all your primary and specialist care providers. This may include your GP doctor/nurse, your pharmacy, your consultant, hospital clinicians, St John’s Ambulance, Resthome teams or any other health or social services agencies involved in your care. Here are some of the ways in which this works.
Hospice & Your GP/Iwi Provider

Your GP/Iwi health provider or Resthome doctor will remain your primary care provider but we will work with them to ensure you get the best care possible.
Hospice provides palliative care training and support to GP teams in Whanganui and we have a formal partnership with a number of GP teams in Whanganui, who will provide free palliative care services to their patients. This may include your scripts, a GP consultation or a home visit where needed.
Click below to download a brief information flyer about this Partnership or to see a list of accredited GP teams in Whanganui.
Hospice & Your Pharmacy

Throughout your care with Hospice, you will likely receive prescriptions for medications from your GP, your specialist or from a Hospice doctor or Nurse Prescriber.
We will work with your preferred pharmacy to ensure you receive smooth and timely communication about when your scripts are ready and how Hospice might support you and your whānau with managing and administering your medication.
Hospice & Your Resthome

A number of our patients may be living in a resthome, and some may be admitted to a resthome facility as their illness progresses and if they so choose. Our specialist team will talk with you about your options, and whether 24/7 resthome care may be right for you.
Our team will also support you and your whānau with making this transition if this is an option that you choose, to make it as smooth and seamless as possible. The Hospice Team has a great relationship with the resthome facilities in Whanganui and we will work with their teams to ensure you are well cared for.
Hospice & the Hospital

You may be referred to Hospice by your hospital specialist or you may need to access hospital services at times throughout your care.
Hospice works in close partnership with the Whanganui hospital, so that our clinicians can discuss and agree on the best care for you. This may include visiting you and your whānau in hospital, advising the hospital clinicians on your medications, or supporting them to safely discharge you home with the right support wrapped around you and your whānau to prevent any future, unnecessary hospital admissions.
Hospice & St John’s Ambulance

Your Hospice team will work hard to minimise any unforeseen emergencies during your care. However, there may be times, particularly overnight where you may require some urgent help and support.
Hospice has a close partnership with St John’s ambulance and, where appropriate, we always ensure that there is an ’emergency’ kit in your home with medications and guidance for St John’s ambulance in case they need to respond. The St John’s crew is trained on how to recognise and manage your symptoms and will call the on-call Hospice clinician to ensure, together we provide the right care for you, and prevent any unnecessary admissions to hospital.
Hospice & District Nurses

Sometimes, you will continue to receive care from the district nursing teams in Whanganui, and surrounding rural areas. Hospice may even make a referral to these district nursing teams and work closely together to ensure you receive the right support. This may include wound cares, continence cares or other hands-on clinical support that you might need.
Other times, we may make a referral to the ‘Loans & Equipment’ team at Te Whatu Ora (Hospital Services in Whanganui) to request equipment for you such as a hospital bed, a commode, a wheelchair, a walker or any other equipment that could support you to live well at home.