This is a special time of year for many people, remembering with fondness those who are no longer with them. In honour of the memories they treasure, every year at Christmas, Hospice has its Trees of Remembrance. It’s an opportunity for people to write a card in exchange for a donation, share some of those treasured memories and hang them on the Tree. This year we have a few options if you want to participate in this event.
This is something new for us this year! Click on the link to the Remembrance Tree (above), choose your decoration, write your message (choose a photo if you like) and hang it on our virtual Christmas Tree. Local company, Liquid Edge, have designed this Tree for us and we’re excited to see whether people will enjoy using it. The decorated Tree will be viewable throughout the year and then a new Tree will appear for next Christmas. Along with the cards that hang on our ‘actual’ Trees, messages on the virtual Tree will be printed, gathered and then buried in our beautiful garden in the new year. This is what the virtual Tree looks like fully decorated so find the REMEMBRANCE TREE tab above and add your message!

The team at Farmers in Wanganui have their beautiful Tree of Remembrance instore and shoppers can make their donation at the point of sale, pick up their card, write their message and hang the card on the Tree. There will also be the beautiful baubles for sale instore (and online – go to: ). All proceeds from these sales are donated to your local Hospice. We tip our hat to the staff at Farmers who for several years now, have been so willing to support the nationwide Tree of Remembrance initiative. The Tree is instore from Thursday November 14th until close of business on Christmas Eve.

We will also have our Community Remembrance Tree and this year we are doing things a little differently. The location for us has changed and during December we will be stationed outside New World supermarket in Wanganui, and will also spend a few days at Pak ‘n’ Save. For a donation you will be able to write your card, remembering someone you miss and hang it on the Tree. We will also have our Christmas raffles which are incredibly popular, so there will be chances for you to score tickets from the volunteers who will sit with the Tree. Sorry, we won’t have EFTPOS for these donations, but the supermarkets have cash machines or cash out available at the check-outs.

We would like to acknowledge and thank Mark & Anna (NW) and Tania (P’n’S) for generously allowing for us to share this special seasonal event with you, on their premises.
We’d love for you to share your memories of those you love and now miss and we’re looking forward to gathering and honouring those thoughts and memories in the new year. All proceeds from donations (and raffles) at all the Trees, go directly to Hospice Whanganui. Thank you for your support.