Our Staff & Board of Trustees

Our Staff

  • Davene Vroon – CEO
  • Kim Eland – Director of Quality, People and Partnerships
  • Teri Albert – Director of Integrated Services
  • Fiona McIvor – Retail and Operations Manager
  • Wendy Tsai – Doctor
  • Libby Sampey – Doctor
  • Devon Kelly – Nurse Lead
  • Colleen Harris – HCA Lead
  • Gaylene Kellick – Financial Accountant
  • Tracey Cropp – Social Worker
  • Alison Hollard – Fundraising and Events Coordinator
  • Melanie Cole – Partnerships Coordinator
  • Mikisu Hall – Volunteer Coordinator

We have a large workforce of registered nurses who work in the community and inpatient unit. They are supported by enrolled nurses, health care assistants, a cook, and volunteers. We also have three retail managers who lead volunteer staff in each of our Hospice shops.

Our Board of Trustees

  • Kirsten Bryant, Farmer (Chair)
  • Douglas Wilson, Consultant – Spooner Hood & Redpath Limited
  • Sarah Brown, Partner – Horsley Christie Lawyers
  • Matt Rayner, Health Promoter – Whanganui Regional Health Network
  • Jamie Proctor, Kaihautū (Service Manager) – Te Waipuna Health at Te Oranganui Trust
  • Julie Herewini, Director -Tukua Storytelling Studio Ltd
  • Debra Smith, Project Lead – Health and Research Collaborative

Contact Us

Telephone: 06 349 0080 or out of town 0800 683 368

78 Virginia Road, Whanganui
PO Box 4284, Whanganui 4541

Email for general enquiries: admin@hospicewhanganui.org.nz
Email for account/donation enquires: accounts@hospicewhanganui.org.nz